peacefully without any border & passport,
under one system, one rule, one Government as a
one Global member, with one ID; Global ID?
Note: This ID card as a sample for those kind of peoples, who they don’t have a valid document, work & resident permit and suffering by the deffernt countries governments and do not getting their honer & rights as a Human. If my dream becomes true one day, then the authority is allowed to change some option (example: catagory, request, logo, desine, tex ect.) of this card."
On the back of his Global ID-Card was noted „After the rules of God and the human rights commission this world was created by God and all human beings have the right to travel, to settle down and to live in all places of this world“.
Note: This ID card as a sample for those kind of peoples, who they don’t have a valid document, work & resident permit and suffering by the deffernt countries governments and do not getting their honer & rights as a Human. If my dream becomes true one day, then the authority is allowed to change some option (example: catagory, request, logo, desine, tex ect.) of this card."
On the back of his Global ID-Card was noted „After the rules of God and the human rights commission this world was created by God and all human beings have the right to travel, to settle down and to live in all places of this world“.
In February 2008 Hamadur wrote about his dream
of a Global Identity Card:
"We are living with many nationals and defferent religions peoples togather here in one house where I´m living now and it is possible! but why not is it possible that all peoples of this world live together
"We are living with many nationals and defferent religions peoples togather here in one house where I´m living now and it is possible! but why not is it possible that all peoples of this world live together
Throughout his life Hamadur was dreaming of a
global passport who allowes everybody to settle
down, live and work where he wants. Meanwhile
Hamidur is dead while being rejected by the
injust german asyl law. In April 2008 he had
been ordered to go to Idar-Oberstein where he
had the „duty“ of residence meanwhiloe being
denied the right to stay and work. His family
had already left. There his life-flame
extinguished- he comitted suicide on 3rd of May